Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Tale Of An HOTD Fan

When.... Oh lord I ask of thee when... When shall we be blessed by an update for our beloved ecchi zombie series.....

Highschool Of The Dead went on a Hiatus for 2 years with reasons as for research purposes. We the fans of Highschool Of The Dead have patiently waited for those long 2 years. Suddenly word came out that there was going to be an update of the manga!

I do not know of your reactions but I myself jumped to the excitement that is a chapter update. I had hopes that from 19 April 2013, which is the date of the chapter update, Shouji Satou would have finally finished his research and continued to make Highschool Of The dead.

Chapter 31.... We were shown the new character which is the father or Rei Miyamoto as well as a glimpse of what the mother of Takashi Komuro would look like. It was looking good, a solid chapter with a decent and understandable cliff hanger. But to my disapointment no other updates have been made from that moment on. I do not know if Shouji Satou has dropped HOTD and i certainly hope not for it would be such a shame to let something as amazing as Highschool Of The Dead to remain unfinished. I as a humble fan can only wait for future updates....

HOTD Zombie Discussion

Throughout the years there have been numerous zombie movies and zombie series, a lot of variations of zombies has developed as well. So far there are the "normal" zombies for example those in movies such as The Walking Dead, Shaun Of The Dead, or Zombie Land where the zombies are just mindless piles of moving flesh, not able to climb or run.

Then there are zombies whose sole purpose of existence is to fuck you up. Such as the sprinting, parkour, and climbing zombies of World War Z. These zombies doesn't make any sense to me, how is it that an average person when bit is able to run for ridiculously high speeds and in large numbers are able to climb a huge wall tens of meters high? If a zombie apocalypse actually happened and these guys would be in it I would just shoot myself.


Lastly of course you have the mutated zombies, popular in the gaming as well as movie industries such as Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil, these zombies were able to mutate into special zombies with inhuman attributes such as tremendous strength, ability to project acid, development of tentacles, etc.

Now the zombies in Highschool Of The Dead, personally I think that it is the best type of zombie. It falls in the category of the normal zombies. slow moving, not a a threat individualy but dangerous in hordes. And just to make it interesting the zombies in HOTD actually have large amounts of strength but ONLY if they manage to grab you and pin you down. All in all I think this adds to the number of reasons why HOTD is awesome.

HOTD Ero-Doujins

Because of the severely ecchi genre of HOTD I'm not surprised if any of you fans decided to search for some HOTD ero-doujins or hentai. But I'm here to say... Don't.... Just.... Don't....

I guarantee you that you would be disappointed. The artwork are nowhere as near as the godlike drawings of Shouji Satou, the plot are shit (zombie rape for god's sake wtf man), and honestly are just a disgrace for the HOTD series.

Now for those of you who can't control their urges I suggest you check out Shouji Satou's official hentai doujin works instead. Though they are not HOTD, you're better off reading the professionally made doujins of Shouji Satou. The difference is just worlds appart. Shouji Satou is known as "Inazuma" or "Digital Accel Works" in the doujin world, search for those pen names to find his doujins.

Fav HOTD Wallpapers

There are quite a lot of HOTD wallpapers out there, these are my personal favorites:

Other Shouji Satou Works

As sad as it is HOTD doesn't seem to be updating any time soon... But Shouji Satou, creator of HOTD (god bless this man), has other works you can check out!

Here are his main manga publications:

1. Fire Fire Fire


Jiga Kirishima lives in a time where the only sky the people know is the color gray and most of the world is wasteland and ruins, with a few people in power depriving resources from the disorganized weak and poor majority. With his father's sword, Jiga makes friends and enemies and goes on adventures while searching for others who share his bloodline.

Jiga's sword happens to be made of a rare material which a powerful organization known as Lost Eagle Nest claims to want in order to rebuild the world, but is that what they really want it for? They'll stop at nothing to take it from him, and Jiga and his friends now have a price on their heads.

Fire Fire Fire is a lighthearted throwback to the classic shounen series of the '80s and '90s.

(Source: MangaUpdates)

I personally haven't read Fire Fire Fire but seeing the cover I can tell I'm gonna have a great time reading it.

2. Triage X


At first glance, Arashi Mikami appears to be a normal, albeit socially awkward, 17 year old high school student. However, he's actually part of a secret vigilante organization known as Black Label, a group dedicated to executing power-hungry criminals the law refuses to deal with. However, taking down a crime lord isn't always an easy task, and there's bound to be consequences for any action...

This is the action-packed story of the trials of Arashi and the people close to him.

(Source: MU)

I have read Triage X and I must say it has been a really exciting read. Furthermore a lot of the characters are similar than that of the characters of HOTD. It's like watching the early stages of HOTD and to me it is really interesting.

These are the first 2 pages of Triage X. Shouji Satou = Epic shit goes down

What would your role be?

During a zombie apocalypse you start to see all kinds of generic characters. Such would be the leader, co-leader, fighter, humane character, team spirit character, annoying bitch yet still alive till now, that guy who just winds up as zombie food, aaaand a lot more.

Now what would your role be? Me personally I think, and I hope, that I'll be the co-leader type of character. I'll be that guy you can rely on yet not the person in charge, of course it is my duty to make decisions if the main leader is having a mental breakdown (which I'm sure any one would eventually experience during a zombie apocalypse).

Also during a zombie apocalypse a lot of people gets to show their true colors, I think this is one of the reasons that HOTD is such an interesting series. It shows that dark and ugly side of the human emotions that is usually hidden from society.

I think it is really interesting to see how people are able to adapt at such a drastic situation like a zombie apocalypse.

From the stick together and stay alive reactions

to the, this can't be real I must be dreaming *dies* reaction

or even the spout utter bullshit because its an apocalypse reaction

Would you want a Zombie Apocalypse?

For me sometimes life gets way too stressful that I just want everything to disappear and be replaced by a zombie apocalypse instead. That way life becomes a lot more simple as it is just about being alive and surviving.

Of course having a team of hot chicks and a dude who's an expert on firearms would be awesome but I don't think that may ever happen even if a zombie apocalypse starts. This is more of a psychological question, most of you even if you are zombie fans would probably be afraid of a zombie apocalypse. I as well think that if it actually happens I would piss my pants hard due to the extreme fright. But I also feel that if I am able to overcome those first moments then I could experience a whole new world where I have never felt more alive....

Besides, you know what they say: deep down we all want a zombie apocalypse....