Wednesday, December 4, 2013

HOTD OVA Impressions

Second of the consecutive posts,
This time I'm gonna talk about the OVA. While I will certainly love anything HOTD related I have mixed feelings of the OVA. It fulfills its duty as an OVA with a beach setting, bikinis every where, and loads of fan service (as though the anime didn't have enough) but I felt that it was lacking something epic.

The plot itself is really simple and feels like it was lazy writing done by the producers, but hey that's just my opinion and I still liked the OVA. Now here's my impressions:

1. I didn't like the fact that Takashi was useless in the whole OVA, I mean Takashi is awesome! why would you just make him wear a tight ass speedo and not let him do shit.


3. Even though I enjoyed the OVA I had expected something like a more detailed background story of each of the HOTD cast, or even make the scene from the extra manga chapter where Takashi talks with his friend (forgot the name) about the hottest girls in their school.

4.Not enough zombies.

5.Saeko kiss! Holyshitohmygodaskjgalsfkgcbalsdhasodasdhgjhdsaajdgasjld...... And even though it was just the weed talking it still counts for us fans :3

6.Quite the interesting twist on the end, salute Takashi for surviving 4 zombies during a wet dream *salute*

7. And seriously..... HOLY TIATS O.o

And that's basically my opinion of the OVA

SaekoxTakahshi FTW~

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