Wednesday, December 4, 2013

HOTD Zombie Discussion

Throughout the years there have been numerous zombie movies and zombie series, a lot of variations of zombies has developed as well. So far there are the "normal" zombies for example those in movies such as The Walking Dead, Shaun Of The Dead, or Zombie Land where the zombies are just mindless piles of moving flesh, not able to climb or run.

Then there are zombies whose sole purpose of existence is to fuck you up. Such as the sprinting, parkour, and climbing zombies of World War Z. These zombies doesn't make any sense to me, how is it that an average person when bit is able to run for ridiculously high speeds and in large numbers are able to climb a huge wall tens of meters high? If a zombie apocalypse actually happened and these guys would be in it I would just shoot myself.


Lastly of course you have the mutated zombies, popular in the gaming as well as movie industries such as Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil, these zombies were able to mutate into special zombies with inhuman attributes such as tremendous strength, ability to project acid, development of tentacles, etc.

Now the zombies in Highschool Of The Dead, personally I think that it is the best type of zombie. It falls in the category of the normal zombies. slow moving, not a a threat individualy but dangerous in hordes. And just to make it interesting the zombies in HOTD actually have large amounts of strength but ONLY if they manage to grab you and pin you down. All in all I think this adds to the number of reasons why HOTD is awesome.

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